I guess the title should really read, “Congratulations, Todd” but screw that. I wanted Hong Kong Paul to win this morning’s donut eating contest at Dunkin’ Donuts.

The Musers hosted this hilarious event with Gordon introducing the contestants and Jub doing a great job of “bite by bite” commentary. The competitors were:

Hong Kong Paul (HKP) – needs no introduction. or does he? I don’t think so.
Chris – 6’2″ 150lb high school kid
John – who was playing for America
Todd – the extremely generic “sports salesman”
Shad – trainer

The rules: contestants must eat 6 donuts and then say, “America runs on Dunkin”

Chris jumped out in front early along with Shad…both ended up quitting.
John really didn’t make much of a name for himself throughout the competition.
It came down to Todd and HKP and from what it sounded like, HKP actually finished eating his donuts first but couldn’t utter the required phrase. Todd edged him out in the final seconds.

Shit! I was really pulling for HKG. Oh well….next time, I guess…

Here’s the Audio:
