Cirque du Sirois

Hey buddeh...

I’ve enjoyed the work of Mike Sirloin steak ever since he was doing madlib tickers on weekends.  In fact, when Bacsick got himself axed, I remember telling anyone who’d listen (mostly myself) that Sirois should take over.  After all, he was also bald, also vaguely resembled a professional athlete, and was also named Mike – simple enough for Norm to remember, right?

Anyways, fast forward almost a year, and Siriois is now doing his thing on Norm’s show. He even got to go out to spring training and hang out with the hardline boys, and drunken fun ensued. Most of the show hosts took turns kicking him in the nuts throughout the week, so I spliced it all together for your entertainment.  Or maybe just mine, and possibly Mike’s. Enjoy!

(Oh year…I may have taken a few liberties during editing…I’m sorry, I’m drunk)