As a P1, nothing has been a bigger mystery about The Ticket than the story of The Hardline. We all know bits and pieces, maybe some inside humor, or something personal about the hosts themselves. Richie Whitt, of the Dallas Observer, wrote a riveting story called “The Hard Lie”. It’s the tell all story behind the Greggo / Ticket breakup. He did not fall short of his pre-story blog posts!
The story comes from all sides and is told in a very equal tone. Nothing is held back, well, except for the comments of most of The Ticket hosts who declined to be interviewed. None of them really needed to be involved in the story except one person, in my opinion; Corby. Walking away from this entire story I am shaking my head at how crazy the Hammer had become with drug use, lies and lack of respect to his friends and co-workers, but the one thing that really sticks in my head is how Corby handled things. Seems it might have been a good idea to have Corby’s side of things since this appears to be the hardest part for Greggo and kind of paints a bad picture of Corby.
Do yourself a favor and read “The Hard Lie”.
No shit…AWESOME job, Mr. Whitt..
damn good story. maybe corby is being an ass, and maybe he’s not. i’m sure most of us have known someone that you repeatedly give second chances too as a friend, only for them to come up short time and time again. eventually you just wash your hands of someone. or maybe he’s just being an ass.
Yeah, I think Corby’s take on the story would help make him not appear as such a dick. There are two sides, but since he didn’t put his side in, it only made him come out like the snake.
I’m sure today at 5pm, The Hardline will take the stage and put their points into motion. I’m just glad they are doing a segment on it. Hopefully they’ll say they hope to be friends again with the Hammer one day. They’ve axed him already, why not give him the chance to be friendly with them once he’s proven to be well and time has proven so?
Maybe they watch intervention too and realize that you have to let people hit rock bottom to help them.
No wonder they call Corby snake! Nah, it really sounds like Greggo burned a lot of people out and I don’t blame any of them for wanting to distance. They’re going to talk about it today at 4:50.
thanks for posting this. I missed it on the radio. the lapband thing is almost surreal.
any of you guys remember the very few times that greggo actually had to work? that is bring it to break and come out of breaks? he was in so far over his head. Prediction: if he comes back he will fail. He must play sidekick to someone with radio talent, he is not that witty, and not that bright. where does that leave him? it leaves him being a yes man to Galloway on GAC. nice.
Richie Whitt writes mostly junk filler for a free rag I line my dog’s kennel with!Whitt(less)has such a hard on for Russ Martin that he can no longer do his job.Even his top 10 things from last year had Russ at #1 and Russ was put on the beach in December 2008!Why the hate Richie?