
Welcome to the Tilted Klit! Err...Kilt

Fun times at Guys Night Out last night, (I think).  The evening started off very early when a drunk dude started shouting at Corby about Mike Vick of all things. Good strong promotions man Irwin bounced his ass out though:

A few hours later, the roundtables started.  Enjoy them, hard.

UnTicket REQUEST – If you love us, you’ll do us a favor.  Write a one-line recap of what’s in each of these files in the comments (I cut them up, but I can’t remember what all’s in them), and I’ll update this post accordingly.  If you do it, you might get an audio request – and if you don’t, well, you’re a flawed guy. Big shout-out to UnP1 Sparky for the major assist! I hope at least one of the comments I left for him actually happen.

Corby Wireless

Roundtable 1 – Junior, Gordo, Bob, and Mike. Replay of Drunk Jan doing the pledge at summer bash. Jan redeems herself with a somewhat slurred but accurate pledge.

Roundtable 2 – Mike, George, Dan, and Corby. College talk. Rehashing Drunk Corby at the Musers Campout.

Roundtable 3 – George, Craig, Gordo, and Bob (with Dan popping on at the end). Dissection of Bob’s “REALLY? drop from his Deion interview. Bob also recaps his review of “Jackass 3D.” The segment ends with a review of fantastic arguments, including a replay of the Musers tension when they were ranking the Cowboys coaches, a replay of the Dale and Dan “You walkin’ out?!” moment, and a replay of Dan screaming at Tom over not wanting audio.

Roundtable 4 – Bob, Mike, Dan, and Corby. LeBron and some other generic NBA talk.

Roundtable 5 – Corby, Gordo, George, and Craig scatter-shoot: Gordo tells of the unspeakable things he’s going to do to a female listener, Corby recaps the guy who was yelling in the opening segment, Gordo meets his pediatrician’s son at the Kilt who lived next door to the OB that delivered him, flatulence and its place in a relationship, and Gordo dirty dances with a woman.

Roundtable 6 – Gordo, Mike, Bob, and Craig: Marquis Daniels personal-finance hypothetical, and the love-child of Dan McDowell and hotel telephone ring guy is born.