I will go ahead and issue a serious alert here, as this isn’t a bit related post or anything of such. This morning I learned of the passing on of Joel Jenista. Many of you won’t know that name, but I’m sure some of the more hardcore listeners do. Joel was the overnight board op for a long time at the little Ticket, and very good at his job. However, he was diagnosed with ALS(or Lou Gehrig’s disease). This never stopped him, and he continued to board op until his disease no longer allowed him too. This is a very sad day, as a member of the Ticket family is no longer with us. I ask all P1s, P2s, and even the marginal P3s if you have the time to keep a good thought for Joel himself and all the people that he touched.

Now there was a segment the Hardline did with Joel about this subject a couple of years ago, however I don’t have it. If any of my fellow posters have it, please email it to me and I will post it or you are more than welcome to post it here. However, I do have a video from NBC 5 done about Joel and his disease. Credit P1 John Martinez for sending me the link to the video.

Joel Jenista ALS Piece

UPDATE: Saw Dick Hicks post this on Facebook, figured I would pass it along for anyone who was interested. This is the obituary that the Fort Worth Star-Telegram ran online. It featured a nice picture of Joel in his Marine uniform.

Joel Jenista Obituary

UPDATE: So thank you to one of our good strong posters Stickman as he has found some audio of Joel in his tape archives. We aren’t sure of what the date is, but this is what we do know. This is from the former show on the ticket the P1 Wild Ass Circus, hosted by Richard “Big Dick” Hunter. Joel used to work for Richard on the WAC, and from everything known was one of his favorite people and best workers. The audio quality isn’t exactly the best, but we bring it to the P1s anyway. Thank you again Stickman for followers on twitter and for this contribution, it is much appreciated.