It’s Creek morons….. Creek!!!!! Not Crik!!! Just because you don’t like certain types of music doesn’t mean it’s wrong…. And naw, we ain’t college educated, just some good ol folk….. Come to Georgia and smack your lips in person rather than behind the mic that’s clamped to a desk….. #douchebags
lol so much butthurt. It’s okay to make shitty music. You get good money and ass. You just trade integrity for it. I would glady take a couple million to make something everyone laughs at. Own up to your shitty music, and accept the fact that you’ll all be forgotten in a few years. #garbagesticksmanandproudofit
sheronica peale
August 26, 2016 at 9:57 pm - Reply
You guys are real asses!! Apalachee Falls & Marshall Brothers are GREAT artists..thanks for the publicity!!
You are all a bunch of low life motherfuckers. Regardless of your opinion on what’s good music or not, you have no right to talk about someone’s weight or what they look like. If you knew any of these individuals then you would know that they are some of the best people in the world. Would give anything to anyone. But unfortunately for you guys, your mom didn’t raise you with any respect. You should be ashamed of yourself.
First of All Country isn’t country anymore.luke,Flordia & Georgia line etc.we need the real man of country back.Waylon,Cash,Twitty,Haggard an so on.but what about selling out shows to people that dont have a dollar in their pocket or a bank acct.they bring them in any way to have a good old time country arms,love,friends & family.down here in the south we call it country.while yall so called city boys just trying to make a buck.we’re down here doing bonfires, tractor pulls,mud slinging,rock crawing or what ever we do best.yall went to far putting people down you don’t even know that one person that would give their shirt off their back to help a stranger in need.
While you drive a fancy POS vechile an stick your noise up in the air an go on with your merry sure some of the old school country an the new age so_ called country would agree.lets get their opinion or does that count.maybe yes maybe no who freaky cares we are just doing what we do best an that is having a good old time.Hank Williams said it Best A Country Boy will survive.please fill free to write back or even call.stop the bullying on the air.
Y’all must not be from the south. That’s what country’s all about and what we like what if we made a song making fun of you hip, tie wearing, snooty, stuck up pricks! Seems to me all y’all have nothing better to do than to bash people. I give a special shout out to Apalachee Don love his music!
Acting like two 12 year olds giggling like the first time you ever seen a playboy mag(maybe a playgirl) was MUCH FUN.. I’m sure everyone you mentioned is glad you dedicated a whole segment to them, then direct youtube views for them… Guess the JOKE is on you two… One other thing, if your so into judging people…start with yourself..
Just to let you know they live were there is running water!! Its not too far south its Monroe Georgia. Which is about 2 hrs from atlanta!! Get your facts straight!!
Lmao… The fact that you get pleasure out of making fun of people is sad! Don’t think that this doesn’t get back to the very people you are making a joke of. The Apalachee Don Team is very aware of this and are quite amused by your antics! But truth be known The Apalachee Falls project was just the beginning of Apalachee Don. I would like to invite you to listen to Apalachee Dons album in its entirety . You can Reach us @ 404-925-9281 this is my cell# I would like to extend the offer for you to interview Appalachee Don. In the mean time deal free to check out
Hick Life Ent. & it affiliates
Haters!!! Y’all are wrong on so many levels!! The Country boys can survive!!!
None of your business
August 27, 2016 at 11:49 am - Reply
Yea totally we pooh in buckets are in breed shot bobcats and don’t have water, and I guess pigs fly too. It’s funny how you make fun of the song yet y’all were singing it.And what the heck kind of name is the hardline???? Your just jealous the only kind of job you can get is making fun of people.
Ya’ll must be from up North. 410,412 views on that video, so thanks for the getting those numbers up that much higher. Jackasses!!
You’re trash. Your music is trash.
Thanks for the publicity 🙂
It’s Creek morons….. Creek!!!!! Not Crik!!! Just because you don’t like certain types of music doesn’t mean it’s wrong…. And naw, we ain’t college educated, just some good ol folk….. Come to Georgia and smack your lips in person rather than behind the mic that’s clamped to a desk….. #douchebags
lol so much butthurt. It’s okay to make shitty music. You get good money and ass. You just trade integrity for it. I would glady take a couple million to make something everyone laughs at. Own up to your shitty music, and accept the fact that you’ll all be forgotten in a few years. #garbagesticksmanandproudofit
You guys are real asses!! Apalachee Falls & Marshall Brothers are GREAT artists..thanks for the publicity!!
You are all a bunch of low life motherfuckers. Regardless of your opinion on what’s good music or not, you have no right to talk about someone’s weight or what they look like. If you knew any of these individuals then you would know that they are some of the best people in the world. Would give anything to anyone. But unfortunately for you guys, your mom didn’t raise you with any respect. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Thank you for dedicating that segment to our music. U rock…….. #ApalacheeBred
First of All Country isn’t country anymore.luke,Flordia & Georgia line etc.we need the real man of country back.Waylon,Cash,Twitty,Haggard an so on.but what about selling out shows to people that dont have a dollar in their pocket or a bank acct.they bring them in any way to have a good old time country arms,love,friends & family.down here in the south we call it country.while yall so called city boys just trying to make a buck.we’re down here doing bonfires, tractor pulls,mud slinging,rock crawing or what ever we do best.yall went to far putting people down you don’t even know that one person that would give their shirt off their back to help a stranger in need.
While you drive a fancy POS vechile an stick your noise up in the air an go on with your merry sure some of the old school country an the new age so_ called country would agree.lets get their opinion or does that count.maybe yes maybe no who freaky cares we are just doing what we do best an that is having a good old time.Hank Williams said it Best A Country Boy will survive.please fill free to write back or even call.stop the bullying on the air.
I think you’ve proven their point by your grammar skills Billy Bob.
Y’all must not be from the south. That’s what country’s all about and what we like what if we made a song making fun of you hip, tie wearing, snooty, stuck up pricks! Seems to me all y’all have nothing better to do than to bash people. I give a special shout out to Apalachee Don love his music!
Acting like two 12 year olds giggling like the first time you ever seen a playboy mag(maybe a playgirl) was MUCH FUN.. I’m sure everyone you mentioned is glad you dedicated a whole segment to them, then direct youtube views for them… Guess the JOKE is on you two… One other thing, if your so into judging people…start with yourself..
Just to let you know they live were there is running water!! Its not too far south its Monroe Georgia. Which is about 2 hrs from atlanta!! Get your facts straight!!
Lmao… The fact that you get pleasure out of making fun of people is sad! Don’t think that this doesn’t get back to the very people you are making a joke of. The Apalachee Don Team is very aware of this and are quite amused by your antics! But truth be known The Apalachee Falls project was just the beginning of Apalachee Don. I would like to invite you to listen to Apalachee Dons album in its entirety . You can Reach us @ 404-925-9281 this is my cell# I would like to extend the offer for you to interview Appalachee Don. In the mean time deal free to check out
Hick Life Ent. & it affiliates
Haters!!! Y’all are wrong on so many levels!! The Country boys can survive!!!
Yea totally we pooh in buckets are in breed shot bobcats and don’t have water, and I guess pigs fly too. It’s funny how you make fun of the song yet y’all were singing it.And what the heck kind of name is the hardline???? Your just jealous the only kind of job you can get is making fun of people.
We’re having fun here, no?