At the bottom is BaD Radio’s follow up segment of the 15th Year Anniversary party at the House of Blues (HOB), The Ticket: Full Disclosure
As a side note… don’t be a cheap bastard and purchase the copy from Amazon. Go to Ticketstock 2009 like I will and purchase it directly from the little Ticket. The reason being is that we want more of this kind of stuff right? Well if we don’t purchase this book it will all go away and so will the chances of us getting anything additional like this again.
Granted, there will more than likely never be a Full Disclosure II: The completely true story of how Grubes scored with 2 chicks… at the same time… without having to pay – BUT there could be more attention paid to the P1 masses on more exclusives… speaking of – anyone remember the CDs the Ticket released long long ago, I do believe there was a series, but the last one was titled Bag o’ Nothing or something to that effect. Well I never purchased my copy and look at where that nice bit of treasured audio went… exactly – good luck finding it now.
Be a good sport, support the Ticket, purchase your copy of Full Disclosure at Ticketstock 2009 and get a couple of signatures and take that moment not to feel like an uber nerd, but a loyal fan… besides this actually gives you an excuse to talk to the Ticket hosts, share your thanks. I promise it won’t be as awkward as say going to a CAN Academy remote only to sit in a chair for three seconds and walk away because you realize you have absolutely nothing worth saying to the staff and hosts… and the promised food hadn’t yet arrived… and the people staring at you for actually showing up to a remote… Not that this has happened to me or anything.
Here’s the audio:|titles=BaD Radio Talks Full Disclosure|artists=BaD Radio]
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