I’ll work on getting the other ones up later today. For now, enjoy the main event.

David Volk vs Justin Bowden

[youtube BhqZW-KDLms Round 1]

[youtube IEpxrOhzg5w Round 2]

[youtube k_Ld65MsFow Round 3]

David Igarashi vs Minivan Mike

[youtube 0dT9iKk7KjQ Round 1]

[youtube YxD1qZMSQ6E Round 2]

[youtube 4OClbdPn_Q0 Round 3]

Kat Walker vs Jess Hamilton (video is a little better in rounds 2 & 3)

[youtube xOvHCiNf5MY Round 1]

[youtube lK3eF4TN13w Round 2]

[youtube zrNK7uwMpoo Round 3]

Normageddon 2 (Featuring a brief Mike Sirois tribute, with time for hamburger.)

[youtube aAwfhTwX-3M Normageddon 2 (ending)]