On a sports hangover day, Musers were able to get the fake coaches on to talk with the Musers.
Jerry says he has a .357 barrel in his mouth.
Wade comes on and is somber too, but keeps wondering off into happiness.
Then the pronunciation of “Favre” really threw Wade off.
They both end the segment, and year, in song…
Please tell me someone caught the call at 1:56. I couldn’t get garageband opened up in time
thank god. greatness. the musers are wwaaaaay better than that damn canadian.
you posted iPhong listening links! you are all that is man!
@paul in uh – I just published a post about the iphong links. I’ve been trying to figure this out for a long time. finally!
HAAA!! great video Human, Internets! It’s just how I would expect the Jerry/Wade scene happening
to you, who has been behind the wheel of this site, my dad and I would like to extend a debt of gratitude to you. you have been responsible for many, many laughs during road trips or just hanging out between commercials. it sounds like it’s pretty miserable keeping this site up and running? not sure why anyone would voluntarily put themselves in such situations like you have? wanted you to know it doesn’t go unnoticed. thank you for your tireless work and effort in doing so. I’m raising a glass in your honor, sir! again, much appreciated!