With the Cowboys missing the playoffs and playing like an uninspired team in December, the Musers lined up one last call to Coach Garrett.
He’s obviously the source in all 3 areas of interviewing and he fills the void of the media after reviewing the tape.
Compare that level of communication with player Dez Bryant:
We just land
— Dez Bryant (@DezBryant) December 31, 2011
the fake wade, jason garrett, jerry jones are all old and tired bits.
fake wade – he ate some food instead of focusing on football
fake jason garrett – he’s going to repeat himself
fake jerry – he’s going to talk crazy and threaten to fire everyone’s arse
these bits are not funny. if the ticket wants to rehost them on their podcast page, then please let them have at it. i’ve come to expect more of theunticket than recycling these tired bits.
i seriously don’t understand how at least muse in the news is not reposted every single day here. you have a muse in the news feed, where the last muse in the news was from like 2009, but why are you wasting time to copy over fake garrett? or let me ask this another way, how could you be using time better to not waste, so that you wouldn’t waste your time and then you could take a bit and play the bit that wouldn’t be wasteful to your time… that’s funny?
stay hard unticket!
get your ass hung up on now you idiot!! im really glad you don’t run this website
you are a difficult rooster!! Maybe I can explain and make your frustration a little easier to handle…
1. I work full-time, about 10-12 hours a day with my own business
2. I do my best to squeeze as much audio as I can in, but every day is different
3. I also have a wife and 4 kids that require a lot of time
4. Surprisingly, more people ask for the 8:40 bit than any other segment of entire day
5. Until we’re finished with a new way to archive the lil ticket, use this link to listen to the entire shows. It’s a gift…from me to you…and all other P1’s. It contains commercials but you can skip through if you wish. All the audio your little heartache can handle.
6. Stay hard…with…your…bottom
Oh ya, one more thing…I think you’re wrong about these bits not being funny.
It pains me to read comments like this. In addition to the stuff DP already does, I’d also like to add that when spammers decide out of the goodness of their hearts to attack the UnTicket at midnight, it’s also DP that comes to the rescue.
Stay hard, pooh-pooh.
amen AP, would have clicked the Like button on that comment.
difficult rooster just lost me as a comment reader.
Leave it to DP to take a verbal barrage and keep on giving…DP FOR SAINTHOOD!!!
kill ’em with kindness
We just land
DP is my Leader.
it would be unamerican to not post the 8:40 bit. rooster maybe THE FAN is more for you. also cowboys season is over so there is other stuff to come.DP-your sacrifice in not unnoticed,you are doing a great job !! damn wife and kids getting in the way of our personal lives !
While I disagree with these bits being tired, I do think somewhere in that angry rant he has a point. As an out of Texas P1, I would certainly like to see more of the regular staples posted here on the unticket (Muse, E-News, GnG).
However, obviously, you are a good P1 doing this for other P1’s out of the goodness of your heart. This site obviously requires alot of time and effort, and you all do a great job. So, fuck that guy, if you decide to never post a Muse or any other bit he requested just to spite him, myself and every other loyal unticket fan would totally understand.
January is tell your friend about the UNticket month. February is tell the unticket about your friend month.
DP for prez! Thanks for all your hard play.
Would you like some Diamond Cut jeans?
Am I the only idiot who can’t figure out how to work the player on the ohhya page? I’m salivating at the possibilities…but I am an idiot, apparently. Help?
Just to explain. The player wouldn’t load on my Mac. It loaded on the iPhone so I now see how it works. Weird. But I do feel like an idiot and imagine everyone rolled their eyes at my previous question. 🙂 Love you guys!
Thanks for everything you do.. and for free no less. This website (and TuneIn app) have helped me keep my sanity ever since I moved out of the metroplex.
Come on man, your entire post is complaining about a guy taking time out of his day to post stuff for FREE. If it pleases you, great. If it’s not for you, find your own way to record bits.
Hi Sports Panties. Lets have dinner and make Baby Panties.
f’in funny !!
I feel like Chief Iron Eye’s Cody having trash thrown on him when I read someone is unhappy with their free service……don’t let the terrorist win
The link DP graciously gave us doesn’t work for my iPhone :-/
@ difficult rooster, you, sir, are an ungrateful douchebag and I hope all of your tires are flat when you leave work today. you’ve “come to expect more from the unticket”?? seriously? what have you contributed besides a self-absorbed, unsolicited, whiny opinion? go suck a dick. (unless you like that sort of thing, in which case I’ll ask that you go lick a snatch.)
Hey everyone, I found the bug with the link I gave not working. It works now. Enjoy
Wow, bitching about someone who has given you hours and hours of free entertainment…….
holy cow–timeout–i didn’t mean to set off a firestorm. upon re-reading my original post it sounds harsher than i remembered. i apologize for the offensive parts of my post. i didn’t intend to imply that the unticket is failed (i was actually going for the greggo drop there) or that dp, ap, and the rest of the boys don’t do an excellent job.
i guess the harshness came from how irritated i was at coming to the unticket, looking forward to finding something new to listen to, and the only thing that was updated was fake garrett. listen to that bit again, it’s gordo repeating himself for 3 minutes, and then he issues one funny line where he calls a timeout, lol, in the middle of the interview. it’s 3 min of fail and 5 secs of funny. it’s also available to listen to on the ticket homepage, which is another reason i get deflated if i come to the unticket and see audio i could listen to there (although the unticket posts segments in full and the ticket cuts off the best part a lot of the time, see the emergency brake of the week, for example).
you guys do an outstanding job! i never meant to offend you, and actually, i am very grateful for your work; in fact, i’m impressed enough that i’ve planned on using linkworth for the entertainment business i’m starting this spring. whether that will be website design & hosting or optimization i haven’t decided yet. i need to get some more info from dp (i’ll be contacting you after the dallas bridal show end of this month).
please fellas, be careful where you point your guns. i’m one of theunticket p1 nation–no friendly fire. i got carried away, but all i was saying is muse in the news is greatness. in 15+ years i can’t remember one time i listened to muse in the news and wasn’t thoroughly entertained. i can think of plenty of times i thought the 8:40 bit blew chunks. looks like many here disagree, which is fine, but i’m just stating my opinion and my desire for muse in the news to be the primary update each day on theunticket. just a request.
it really is so cold in the D (sometimes)
It’s all good brah! I didn’t take offense and understood your point, it just did come across very “eff you like”. But if you check out the https://www.theunticket.com/ohhya/ you’ll find all the unheard and unposted audio you’ll need. Best part is, it requires nothing from any of us UnP1’s…it’s all automated. I just farted.
But I do appreciate the UnP1Hornet’s Nest though. UnHornets…let’s give rooster man a break. We all have mulligans in us. I need to fart again. (kidding..not really)
sweet! very happy to be in the good graces of the unticket. sorry for the tone of my first post. i guess that afternoon when i went to subway they served me a BMT with doodoo as the salami or something.
I’m just trying to imagine DP’s mentions on twitter if he went a week without posting 8:40 bits. It doesn’t look pretty
I think this is where we all hug and sing Kum Ba Yah, right? I’m in.