Gordo unleashed a fresh “guest” this morning with a visit from Charlie Sheen during the 8:40 bit. Have to agree with the P1 on this, pure genius. Winning!
UPDATE: Good ol’ Chuck Sheen has joined Twitter, follow him here… @charliesheen
Gordo unleashed a fresh “guest” this morning with a visit from Charlie Sheen during the 8:40 bit. Have to agree with the P1 on this, pure genius. Winning!
UPDATE: Good ol’ Chuck Sheen has joined Twitter, follow him here… @charliesheen
he could pass as the real charlie sheen and call in and prank radio shows very easily. amazing.
I was just about to say as much. 😀
This man’s talent!
a good mix of fake Jerry, Chris Chris and Barney Stinson. Genius Gordo!
Spot on. Just for fun, I’d love to hear a fake Wade and fake Charlie conversation. Wade’s bumbling and stumbling over himself while Charlie makes his off the wall rhetoric would be an interesting clash in styles and could be easily done with Craig interviewing both of them.
Greatness, but no matter how insane Gordo makes him sound the real Charlie is crazier.
Let the Charlie Sheen meme begin…
This is pure greatness!!! It was hard to tell this was a fake. KEEP IT UP!
Charlie…err, Gordo, pure tigerblood greatness.
He never seizes to amaze me!!!
24K gold Tigerblood
Unleash the chain-mail dragon!
*Winning* I flippin LOVE this! Great job!
You did better with your Charlie Sheen then poor SNL this week.