E-Brake Flaps

Georgie's Bombadeer Flaps?

This was an epic week for E-Brakes…and it almost didn’t happen, thanks for the Ticket’s logger being busted. Luckily, the little UnTicket was able to help out. Here’s the E-Brake segment from Friday:

And here are the six E-Brakes that I pulled from Monday and Tuesday alone, plus a Craig Rosengarden special.

Craig Rosengarden loves re-“tweets”:

The Hammer comes back to haunt E-News:

Michael Krenek reminds you to tune us in, turn it up and keep it on:

Victory’s first WTDS fails horribly:

Gordo hiccups his way through Muse In The News:

Biggest Show Coming to Town gets off to a very fast start:

Jake Kemp fights through massive failures and a jackhammer on the Top-10:

Time permitting, I’m working on a fail-montage for this week. The problem is, there were many, many failures to comb through, and I’m not sure I have enough free time. If anyone wants to help, drop a comment below.