This was an epic week for E-Brakes…and it almost didn’t happen, thanks for the Ticket’s logger being busted. Luckily, the little UnTicket was able to help out. Here’s the E-Brake segment from Friday:
And here are the six E-Brakes that I pulled from Monday and Tuesday alone, plus a Craig Rosengarden special.
Craig Rosengarden loves re-“tweets”:
The Hammer comes back to haunt E-News:
Michael Krenek reminds you to tune us in, turn it up and keep it on:
Victory’s first WTDS fails horribly:
Gordo hiccups his way through Muse In The News:
Biggest Show Coming to Town gets off to a very fast start:
Jake Kemp fights through massive failures and a jackhammer on the Top-10:
Time permitting, I’m working on a fail-montage for this week. The problem is, there were many, many failures to comb through, and I’m not sure I have enough free time. If anyone wants to help, drop a comment below.
The lack of a stream pissed me off. Other than that, the new studio chaos was actually pretty gold.
Jake Z fights through massive failures? Now he knows how the metroplex feels anytime he’s near a mic.
you must not remember chris house. he was like a younger norm without any perspicacious sports insights and less schtick. plus, i like jake z; he has his moments, and i especially like the gen-x references. most recently, he cracked me up with “junes with HAM on jerry this morning”, which if you don’t know HAM stands for Hard As a Mother blank; it’s from a kanye west song, so it might be that it just doesn’t resonate with you, but i still think he’s got some chops.
spelled “bombardier”
Would you believe that I actually googled this, and while I’m very familiar with the engineering company “Bombardier”, I found a handful of links referring to the “bombadeer” (in charge of opening the bomb bay doors) on WWII-era planes?
Basically, I couldn’t post a picture of a semi-nude girl at the time, so I went with this stock image.
It’s all good, the company is spelled that way, but the guy who drops the bombs is also spelled that way. There are probably alternate spellings that I’m not aware of. Keep up the good work.
It wasn’t from this week, but does anyone know if the soul patch’s failed alien interview bit ever received e-brake consideration?
I know GNO had audio problems forcing them to end early, and the stream in general has been a bitch. One morning during the musers it was so bad about 1 or 2 minutes into each segment the stream would jump into commercials. They just lost 122 listeners.
It did not – the reason for this is that the SoulPatch received a huge negative backlash (which I admittedly participated in), so they decided to sweep it under the rug and never speak of it again.
P1 Brad C recorded it:
I felt so bad about kicking those boys in the nuts that I went in and cleaned up the audio for them so you could at least hear what Pedro was saying:
And now, you know, the rest of the story…
Wow those were great. Thanks
Spell crap however you want. You’re keeping me in touch with my ticket guys from afar and that’s all that matters to me.