Emergency Brake of the Week – 6.18.10
- P1 Jan Salutes Drunk
- Gordo Stops The Show
- Dan Wants Deion’s Balls Out
Most important on this e-brake is the voting. Thanks to P1 Steven giving the real ‘lil unticket a big shout out…right before voting for Junior’s exploding diarrhea. (insert rocker horns)
Nicely done, P1 Steven. I was miserably hungover when I woke up but hearing you crash screenless put a big grin on my face…
Surprisingly…. I made it in on the first call. I didnt hear who the canidates were, BUT I thought George needed a break from his usual kick in the pants. Noone ever votes for Craig….
NOW DOING MY VICTORY DANCE. If I make screenless @ 2:45 it will be a double header victory. & I will be doing in mourning. I have to be at a funeral @ 3pm. It will be like that time Brett Farve played after his Dad died.
A sad victory dance is sad, Steven, but you’ve got the gumption to pull it off.
I would like to have voted for lefty the Chihuahua.