Hard to believe it’s been almost 5 years since the Orphanage snaked the belt. Saturdays still don’t feel the same. I dug into the archives looking for answers and located this clip from 6/28/14 where Dingu took issue with Ann Coulter of all people over the excitement of the World Cup which was going on at the time. It’s definitely the last time a certain word or two has been said on the Ticket.


The following week they announced that they were suspended from future remotes and apologized to the bitch.


The detail about remotes though seems like there’s more to the story. I went back a little further to the last remote they did. It was at Park Place Volvo on 6/21/14 and it was also the first one they had in months since. Dingu seemed annoyed by the tons of copy points he had to read which led to jokes, and this abortion joke by Dave may have also contributed to losing remotes. Soon after the Orphanage was also prohibited from mixing with other shows, the dumbest thing the station ever did imo. They’ve since reversed that, but at the time the Orphanage/Cirque mix every week was must listen and losing it for replays was bs.


The lack of remotes had already been discussed on the show earlier that year, the biggest black eye being the Final Four weekend in Dallas with no Ticket presence. At least not by a weekend show. Here they explain how remotes work and rail on Cumulus, HR and sales. They predict their demise. RIP Orphanage.