During a recent pool party, Danny uncovered some real dirt on the man behind a commercial Ranger fans see quite a bit during games. Dr. Michael Brown of the Brown Hand Center shows his ugly mug on these carpal tunnel tv ads with their new way to do the surgery. Come to find out, Dr. Brown, who can’t really be a doctor anymore per the state, has quite the dark past.
Danny goes through and talks about Dr. Brown’s past of beating his wives (yes plural), doing drugs, divorces and how he can’t practice medicine any longer. Of course, his commercials are topped off with a cute little girl saying, “Daddy’s Baby Girrrrrllllll!” Makes my skin crawl when I see them now. Those poor kids and women.
so glad that someone called this a hole out. Can’t believe this guy still runs around the company setting up surgery centers. or even the fact that people go there with what a horrible job those surgeons do.
so glad someone called this guy out, can’t believe he is still allowed to set up surgery centers. Ridiculous. Even as ridiculous as the people that go there unknowing of his issues.
I KNEW IT!!! This guy ALWAYS gave me the wet willies! “Wife beatin’ daddy’s little gwurl!!”
Dude is dead now…