This morning, The Musers were talking about how women are going all out on these crosses they put on the wall. Like it has become some new art where anything and everything goes. I had to shoot Gordo an email and thought I would share it here:
Listening to your cross talk I had to chime in. My wife has a friend who creates these things. Naturally, we have like 30 of them and she put them in the only religious room in a house, the bathroom. You walk into the bathroom and all 4 walls are covered in big one’s, small ones, then a big mirror, then the throne. It really has made me come to appreciate this room. I tell everyone in our house you can only use that room for one thing, giving birth.
If it’s just a quick shooter or party mud, it’s another bathroom. However, if it’s one where you know something special will happen, you go to the holy birthing room. I’ve created some of the best brown babies I’ve ever witnessed and I owe it all to those crosses.
good mornin hard
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