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One year ago marks the day when Junior was going to embark on a journey for 1 year to follow a soccer team and see if his interest in soccer would change at all.
He immersed himself into the soccer (football) team of Arsenal FC and learned the team, the players and watched almost 50 games. This is his story and if he still hates soccer.
don’t forget that with relegation you also get promotion. the top 3 teams in the division below the EPL get promoted to the EPL at the end of the season.
The FA Cup involves all soccer teams in England. Scotland has their own FA Cup. The US has one too known as the US Open Cup, a trophy the FC Dallas has won. All Teams amateur and pro in England are eligible to compete in the FA Cup. The Carling Cup involves only the professional teams in the top 4 divisions (EPL and 3 others)
here is a list of all the stadiums in England http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_football_stadiums_in_England. many of these stadiums are located in neighborhoods like Anfield in Liverpool http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Anfield, Liverpool, United Kingdom&hl=en&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=46.764446,79.013672&t=h&z=15 so many just walk to the games
I started my soccer-watching with the WC, baaad idea. Complete difference; way more diving and way more defense in the WC.
Cheering for Arsenal reminds me of all my other teams. So close, so close…blew it.
Start with EPL, and you’ll be spoiled really fast. I can watch a match in its entirety if it’s EPL; I last 2 minutes with an MLS match.
Great story on your transformation. I started out as a casual USA national team fan during the 1994 world cup, amd became really hooked during 2002; I’m from los angeles, so the galaxy is my team, but I causally follow EPL and la liga. Socceritis is an incurable disease! Just wanted to correct you about the Emirates Cup, the New York Red Bulls of MLS won it. Consider supporting FC Dallas, they are a strong team in the lead and second place so far in the standings.
This segment proves the entertainment value of the beautiful game. Junior said it himself, his comments on the World Cup elicited “tons of feedback”. He said about his experience following Arsenal for a year the he “loved it!” So why do he and other soccer fans on the station like Sturm and Corby talk soccer so little? Why is FC Dallas, our very own club at the highest level in our country, so neglected? Is it because they think no P1s care about soccer? Do they think that if they barely mention an upcoming FC Dallas game or spend a minute recapping a game or giving a few quick hits a week that there will be an exodus of P1s from the station? I can’t imagine that is the case, and I’m out to prove it with P1s For Soccer Talk. If you agree that it’s time for soccer to get a little love on America’s Favorite Radio Station, then let your voice be heard! Show your support by following us on Twitter (@P1s4SoccerTalk) and liking us on Facebook. And don’t miss any opportunity to let the hosts hear from you directly, too!