A little update regarding closing or selling the site.
Another week of Coach Tom Foolery. This bit of audio was for the week they were playing Pearsall.
Enjoy another week of Coach Foolery in the season of 1994.
A little update regarding closing or selling the site.
Another week of Coach Tom Foolery. This bit of audio was for the week they were playing Pearsall.
Enjoy another week of Coach Foolery in the season of 1994.
This REALLY doesn’t matter, but it’s ‘Pearsall”. Town southwest of SA.
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=pearsall, tx&sll=32.802955,-96.769923&sspn=0.89573,2.002258&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Pearsall, Frio, Texas&ll=28.892194,-99.095033&spn=7.460525,16.018066&z=7