A little update regarding closing or selling the site.
Periodically, the Musers take requests from time to time and will play classic audio from the ticket audio vault.
They started on a weekly segment of classic audio, but I guess couldn’t keep up.
Today they decided to reach into the request box and pull the only request they’ve ever taken, which was from Junior.
Norm is hot about the college television schedules and Dan does his usual douchery thing and pisses Norm off.
“Damn, Dan” … “You make a damn joke out of everything, Dan”
Dan was kind of a d-bag, but Norm’s argument is so weird…
Even though I hate Dan for being a closed-minded, interruptive douchebag, and Norm for having his tongue up sports’ ass, ruining jokes, and killing ratings this is still gold. For weekend gold, can we get some Orphanage audio from today (3-13)? Danny, Davey, and Gordo directive Dave around on wireless is some of the best audio in years!
/Would you have sex for cigarettes?
//Line of the YEAR