I love Norm, but four and a half hours of Yu Darvish puns will probably get tiresome tomorrow morning. So, here’s some alternative programming: While Mike was off in Tampa getting his sixth consecutive road win for the Cowboys and offing his third consecutive world tyrant, Jake-Z stepped up to the mic and filled in with Cash on last Saturday’s Cirque du Sirois offering.
Also, here’s the second installment of Cirque TV. Funny stuff about Mike’s colon situation, and kinda interesting to see what a craphole the studio has become.
[youtube O1ZE9vODmWU]
[UPDATED! Cirque TV 3 came out while I was asleep]
[youtube TLoegTg2PhI]
Bright like Neon Love is Cut Copy greatness
Jake has so much nothing. I don’t know why the ticket still employs this generic chris chris douche bag.
Gay/Not Gay: There is a guy on the Ticket, let’s call him Deep Dish from Knox City, who continually refers to men as “sweetheart”. I’ve heard it at least three times now. This particular person is also in the running for station deuce along with a certain C-Bass, but that’s another discussion for another time. Right now, a grown-ass man who calls other grown-ass men “sweetheart”.
Is he?
A: I’m gay.
B. Are you gay?
D. I woke up from a coma and found out I wasn’t attracted to men.
Ok, for D, I’m going off the top of my head because I’ve only heard it once and it was in the middle of nightmare traffic today, but I’m sure we’ll all get it down eventually. So, which is it R3’s?
Hope Deep Dish wins!!
Appreciate ya pal!
If you’re talking about Danny calling Corby “honey”, it goes back to a time a couple of years back when he meant to say, “Don’t have time homie” but somehow “honey” came out instead and of course hilarity ensued. Every now and then he does it again on purpose.
No, I was talking about Danny calling a couple of guys “sweetheart”. He does in during the mix there and he did it when talking about some band a couple years ago on the Orphanage. He also did it one other time that I can’t remember right off the top of my head. Who calls another grown man “sweetheart”?