The overly handsome guy from sales stops by with the Musers.
He just flew in after catching the red eye from the Bowl.
Says he was hanging out with his boy, Drew Brees. They both got their eyebrow pierced.
After some sales award stories, he went into other stories with his friend Tomo (Tony Romo) and his cigarette boat.
love the site and i’m super grateful, but why are there always spoilers in the description? it takes away from the jokes sometimes.
@plumpkin – it’s kind of like why your shit smells after plumpin it out … it’s so you know where it is. People who might search google for audio of chris chris getting his eyebrow pierced with drew brees, will easily find it. Otherwise no one would ever find the audio they are looking for.
hope that helps. have you tried just looking past the text and starting the audio? my writing can’t be that interesting that you can’t just overlook it!! 🙂