Ticket Benchmarks – 4.20.18
Scattershooting E-brake Meatheads of the Week Bad Radio open 1:30 [...]
Scattershooting E-brake Meatheads of the Week Bad Radio open 1:30 [...]
Eye on P1 Feedback Clarence Murphy Norm/Bad mix Bad Radio [...]
Basketball Junes Junior calls customer service Birdhouse Bad Radio open [...]
Dr. Carleton Maxwell Biggest show Musers/Norm mix Norm/Bad mix Bad [...]
Musers open Dallas Bryant Mix with Norm Norm/Bad mix Bad [...]
Here's a potential new daily pod that would feature benchmark [...]
The Bad Radio tradition is now Norm and Donovan's. https://www.theunticket.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/opening-day-songs-3.29.18.mp3 [...]
George shares some details of his estate and no one [...]
Friday Night Live (thanks to @pjperdaems) Ticketstock Timewasters (thanks to [...]
I gathered up all the best parts of the Ticket [...]
Shocking joke by Norm the other day that should easily [...]
I gathered up the segments from each show discussing Ticket [...]
Norm plays Operation for the first time and claims he [...]
The candidates: Dumbass thinks a book will protect him from [...]
The candidates: Mike Pence ISIS Lady wants your vote Florida [...]
The candidates: Mom of the year puts kid on moving [...]
The candidates: "The guy who slapped the horse's buttocks" Town [...]
Poor Norm, first he calls Donovan Danny and then he [...]
About 2 hours after losing the e-brake Norm reasserts his [...]
The Musers discuss if farts can cause nausea and Gordo [...]
Jub vs Bob, wtds, hooker talk, enews, wireless and roundtables. [...]
I went back and pulled all of my favorite moments [...]
Donovan and Mike continue the Opening Day tradition. http://media.blubrry.com/sportsgreek/www.theunticket.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/donovan-sirois-opening-day-songs-4.3.17.mp3