I’ve gone through this entire football season, and last, listening to this horrible play by play announcer, Bryant Gumbel. Let me say this loud and clear, BRYANT GUMBEL SUCKS! Just in case people are searching and spell his name wrong, BRYANT GUMBLE SUCKS!
Maybe it’s because his voice makes my skin crawl, maybe it’s because he can’t get names right, or maybe it’s because he says some of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard. Things like, “It appears he has made a first down” when it is clear as day they are 5 yards past the yellow line which Gumbel can see. Or how about when he refers to Tony Romo as Rick Romo. Even better, when someone makes a field goal, he doesn’t say “It is good” he says “It’s true”. I have no idea if he means “through” or if he says something stupid like “true”. Either way, Bryant Gumbel is the worst NFL announcer the NFL has ever had. He makes Tony Siragusa sound like a hall of fame guy.
I send a special Christmas wish to the NFL network, first, work out a deal with cable so people can watch these stupid games. Second, get someone in to fix your HORRIBLE announcing crew. Collinsworth is horrible, but he can be ok if you get someone in that doesn’t suck as much as Bryant Gumble sucks.
Also, does Bryant Gumbel know he’s black? Maybe he’s mixed, but he is black to the naked eye. He has the white prize, but he has, as Don Imus would say, a nappy head. Go back to your HBO show Gumbel. Quit ruining football for me dude.
I’m so sick and tired of Bryant Gumbel , he’s cocky and rude and has no reason to be . Watching him talk football is like chewing on broken glass . He’s has absolutly no idea what he’s talking about yet he acts like he’s mel kiper jr or don shula ! Yet what really set me off was his comments the other day as I was watching hbo a documentry on magic johnson and larry bird ! When mr Gumbel said that magic and larry saved basketball not michael jordan . Now I’m a huge basketball fan and love and adore magic and bird but are u kidding me ! They did a lot and that can’t be taken away but to say they did more the MJ please . He sounds just retarted and once again makes the point how stupid he really is . Mr gumbel is poison !
Bryant Gumbel is a pretentious POS!!! I don’t care what awards he received that were completely undeserved!’ He truly sucks!!! I was watching hi closing comments after the Sacramento Kings episode and he told anyone coming to the Super Bowl to leave their jurseys home if they are over 12 years old. Oh because “NYers have style!! Maybe the do but really???!!! Shut up!!!! Quit the biz your depressing and a complete downer!!!
How does Bryant keep getting jobs?
I’ve hated him for decades.
He’s like a black George Will.
Even worse is we have to see his fat brother. Not as dumb as the sniveling Bryant but just brings Bryant back to mind.
He’s the other O.J.