E-brakes are in the air and there’s something going on that we don’t know about. First up, the e-brake award for 3.13.20:

  • Dingu beartrap
  • Teebox fight
  • Sirois dick sound


Not nominated was Julie’s docking e-brake.


Also not nominated was Cray Trey not listening during school nurse talk (starts 2:50 in).


Going back to that Teebox fight, it was legit. Here’s the whole segment which itself starts with a funny e-brake and then turns into a light conversation ironically about Curb Your Enthusiasm. Things are going fine until Rick had a flashback to Nam and made things tense. Underrated moment at the very end Rick says “up next let’s have some fun”. Well we were until you freaked the f out. The next segment Craig barely said a word and during the mix with Country Force he was mostly quiet save a few sentences before sign off.


Here’s the Teebox open the following week. They very briefly mention their fight and then in a show of pure e-brake might Craig almost immediately has another (1:50 in).


That wasn’t all for Craig, here he tries to use the word “virile”


Finally, an e-brake double dose from Eli Jordan not listening followed yet again by Craig Rosengarden. This time he’s playing with a plastic bag on the air. That’s 3 e-brakes during one 2 hour show. True greatness.