Have you ever wondered what all of these drops mean on the ticket? For example, Bob Sturm loves “Angry Pirate”, or as he calls it at times, “AP”. There is a site out there called Urban Dictionary which hosts an entire dictionary of street slang terms with their definition. Anyone can add a term or phrase. I figured we could go over a few that the ticket say and some extra ones I found:
Angry Pirate: The act of having sex with your female partner and at the point of ejaculation aim and shoot your sperm in her eye. She will then grab her eye, at which point you kick her in the shin. She will hop around the room holding her eye and shin and screaming like an angry pirate. source
Vaginal Slice Born Born: 1. Caesarian section. Came from the Ticket, Gordon Keith. 2. Can also be a salutation of farewell.
Birmingham Booty Call: Put your woman’s cell phone on vibrate, stick it up her ass, and as you are having sex, call her phone, have her shit it out, answer it, and talk dirty to you as you cum on her face. source
Space Docking: The act of defecating directly into one’s vagina. Like a space ship attempting to dock to a space station, “space docking” involves very accurate control and near-perfect alignment of the two orifices. source
There are plenty more gems to read. I just wonder who comes up with all these things!
The Urban Dictionary
space docking????? HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! WTF??
“I doanwanna poopoo in your vaginal slice…..”
i’ve always liked space, but i’m not sure about all that
And the long brown ship entering the dock is called the Starship EnterHind
Space is super gay