Last thing on this subject, but BaD Radio did the right thing and chimed in on Corby going off on TC on-air.
P1’s are mostly on TC’s side, but I think back when Corby was new to the mix and Rhynes HATED him and it’s very reminiscent to that time. Maybe Corby sees himself in TC.
I doubt Corby sees himself in TC. Corby at least had an on-air presence, and creative bits. If you throw out the Corby griping him out on-air stuff, you realize that this was just a lazy idea from TC.
He might have overreacted, but TC has absolutely nothing so I’m not upset about Corby going off on him. He was given a chance to show his talent in the 8:40 bit, and he showed that he has no creativity. Danny was right: running up and punching someone in the nuts is not a prank.
TC is a joke. He’s cocky as hell, too.
rofl @ this guy crying like a bitch. get over yourself.
corby…. What a douche!!
kudos to BaD Radio for calling Corby out. Massive overreaction on his part…. Bob said it best: “it was a hard day to be in the Snake Fan Club”..
Bob was right… it WAS a difficult day to be in the Snake Fan Club. Kudos to BaD Radio for calling him out. It was a massive overreaction.
Corby’s being a little puss and a jackass.
The whole time I’m listening to the TC bit I was thinking about Corby’s alarm clock bit. I give T.C. credit for having the gralls to prank Corby. Everybody knows Corby is a pretty good prankster so T.C. had to know he was poking a bee hive with a stick.
BaD hit the nail on the head; Corby, as a host, thinks he’s above T.C.
Besides, that “lazy” prank T.C. pulled was ten times funnier than the fart game or Corby reading the latest Cardashian sister quotes to Mike with his stupid women voice.
T.C. is funny. I wish him well and I hope Corby’s return prank fails.
Of course Bob would take up for TC.
What about big dumb Danny jumping on the pile? Corby and Danny are easily the two biggest douches on the station. SG man, SG.
I’m surprised people are defending Corby on this. Corby was wrong. I find myself listening to the hardline less and less, and much because Corby is not that great. But this is stupid.
Good lord. It’s not like TC snuck in and abused Corby’s kids. I have a 6 month old and live in an apartment. I get texts and calls at odd hours sometime, and she sleeps through them all a few rooms over. I doubt Corby’s kids even heard his stupid phone.
Right there with you brutha…I give the hardline about 10 miuntes of my day. They used to get 3-4 hours of my day.
It’s all because, as you say, Corby-is-notthatgreat. And, hey, I was no big fan of Greg’s either but a half interested, nose bleeding, zanexed out little girl greggo was highly more entertaining than Corky Davison.