Ham v Food: Hushpuppies & Okra – The Ticket 4.15 – 4.17.2024
Ham takes on okra and hushpuppies, both of which he [...]
Ham takes on okra and hushpuppies, both of which he [...]
Jub talks Ham v okra.
Ted Emmerich joins E-news and they cover his Masters Ticket [...]
Sleep and sex toys.
Bochy talks about his birthday.
Davey talks about kids v screentime.
Chicken, Ham, Denver, stuff.
Tiger Woods continues to suck.
When Jub fails to pick the right candidates as usual, [...]
Cruz in Aledo still sucks.
OJ goes to lower heaven.
OJ Simpons calls in from lower heaven.
Dogs v tennis, people sitting next to you, merging, [...]
Tiger Woods' son Charlie talks about his dad sparing everyone [...]
People who sound like other people.
Audio fun.
Being outside, blacking out games, the best dips, chips. [...]
Elmer Wayne is back.
Corbo talks Kurt Cobain's death.
Corby gets pre-check. Cool.
Mexican eclipses and Jub Jam.
Eclipse talk, WNBA, and $50 bills are bad luck. [...]
Craig presents 2024 Rangers walk-up songs.
Jerry Jones talks the eclipse.
Jub talks his Jam and Pat Green joins.