If you could take off one year of the end of your life for one million dollars each, how many years of your life would you take off?
I would take 10 years off of my life because I’ll be a waste of a human by then anyway. Plus, as Muser people said, the front end of my life would be a lot better. A few wives, few homes, travel the world and most importantly, my kids will be setup for their lives.
I’d do 3 years. I’m fairly healthy and think I’ll live to be at least 75. Subtract 3 and I’m at 72. My oldest daughter will 39 and my youngest would be 37 (my age right now). I figure they’d be able to handle it by then and if I invested the 3 million very wisely right now and continued to work in some capacity, they’d probably thank me in the long run.