Before I begin this, please note that this is only the opinion I hold in my mind. It does not represent DP or anyone else on this site. It is mine and mine alone, so if you agree or disagree with it then you are doing so with myself  and as a citizen of this great land of ours you have all right to do whichever you choose.

I’ve been a P1 of the station ever since I can remember around 6 years old. Over the past twelve years, I’ve heard a lot done on the station I love so much. The station is the reason I want to get into radio, and almost two months ago I got to live my dream and actually appear on the radio station for three segments, and that further cemented my dreams of someday making my own voice one that regularly broadcasts on the airwaves of the Ticket. One of the voices that we normally hear from ten-noon was let go today, and I’ll be honest I don’t agree with it in the least.

By now every visitor to this site is familiar with the problem involving Mike Bascik. For those who don’t, he Tweeted some things that are without a doubt offensive and obscene when he was intoxicated at a bar during Game 4 of the Mavericks-Spurs playoff series.  He was suspended yesterday, and today was let go by the Ticket and Cumulus for these transgressions. You will never hear from me that what Mike did was a good thing; he flat out acted like an idiot. He made a mistake, and one that in the eyes of many was a pretty major one. You’ll get no dispute from me on that side of this, but the rest of it you will receive a fierce argument from me.

When I first heard that the Ticket was suspending him indefinitely without pay, I was satisfied with that. I figured, and my P1 father concurred, that he would be gone a couple weeks to ram the point home and then be put back in his producer job with a leash that is roughly an inch long. When I read Barry Horn’s blog post that he was let go, I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t happy because I see this as a bit hypocritical if you must know. I find it absurd that a producer can be fired for what he says on a personal Twitter account when he is not working, yet hosts that have to be dumped over and over again for swearing on the air are just given a talking too off the air and then are allowed to go right back in front of a live microphone again. One of the Ticket’s favorite drops to play in the old days was Wolf Blitzer after Hurricane Katrina saying “They are so poor, and so black.” Did anyone see Wolf Blitzer get fired for something that in all honesty I consider even more offensive because it was in the wake of a tragedy, while this was in the wake of a basketball game? No Mike Bascik isn’t Wolf Blitzer, but the principle is the same when you think about it.

I won’t come on here and talk about boycotts of the station, because something like this isn’t going to stop me listening. I love the Ticket, before during and after Mike Bascik worked there. However, in a society that gives quite a few people second chances for much more harsh offenses than the one that cost Mike his job I feel that he got a raw deal on this incident. I know there are some people that are going to say I am being biased and insensitive, and I can’t and won’t stop you from saying that because it’s your opinion and are entitled to have it. But, from this P1s simple view of things, the Ticket and Cumulus dropped the ball on this one. Mike apologized profusely, and was suspended. Firing him is nothing but overkill to appease the Dominique Garcia’s of the world who would not have accepted any apology given from anyone and would settle for nothing less than than a full blown racial bigotry sermon from the Reverend Al Sharpton himself to break out. Twenty years ago, when the world wasn’t as wrapped up in being “pc” as it is now this would have been over at a suspension. But with the entire world being scared of its own shadow for fear that it could end up ruining their lives, no matter how remorseful they are, this is all together not unexpected.

There really is only one thing I changed about my own daily routine out of this, and that is I deleted my own Twitter. I don’t work for the Ticket, even though that is my hope someday, but if Mike Bascik can be denied a second chance when others who have committed much worse transgressions are given carte blanche to a point, then I don’t want to run that risk either. Before I leave you be however, I want to end this with something that I hope everyone who reads this little Norm-like mini rant gives a bit of thought too. Have we really devolved so much in a society to believe that if you make one mistake, be it big small or medium, then you have essentially ruined your career or your reputation? People are by no means perfect, and they never will be perfect. All we can do is when a mistake is made is to apologize, and try to never make the mistake again. Mike Bascik made a mistake, and he apologized for it. That wasn’t enough for the powers that be, so they made a mistake to match his. Two wrongs don’t make a right, and in my humble opinion Mike Bascik got wronged. So, if I may, I propose a toast to a producer that didn’t make it that long with the Ticket, but in a world not clouded by an over reactive public opinion probably would have. Mike, stay hard keep jammin’, and hopefully we’ll see ya pal.

VSBB aka Sam the Azle P1