
Team “Jam”, short for Jane and Mike, on channel 5 news at 10pm is no more.

Mike Snyder gave a heartfelt explanation that he would be leaving the 10pm show so he can have dinner with his family.

The Musers played some old audio bits from the 10pm news from Jane & Mike. Most they’ve played into the ground as drops, but they’re hilarious audio bits.

They out-did themselves with his sign-off last night. As the boys say, it was like he was about to pass away or was fired from the station, but he just changed from 10pm to 5-6pm news!!!

Beyond the ch. 5 audio, the Musers laid down a really crazy drop they’re already playing on the Hardline. After they play last nights audio, listen to the crazy laughter that happens in studio. WOW!

Here’s the video: