All I could hear the whole interview was the epic use of “You Know”. Dan and Donny threw a few in there, but just know that there are one hundred thirty seven (137) unique pieces of audio in this montage that is long 1:15 long. The Hardline used to count the number of times someone said “you know”, the worst being a Cowboy, but can’t remember. This might take the yellow jersey. **Update** Dixon Edwards “You Know” (thx Daniel)
Billy Zabka – “You Know” Montage
With the Sturminator out for tweet suspension, the rest of BaD interviewed Bill Zabka for the JBL contest. He was in a lot of 80’s great movies like Karate Kid.
So what did Bob tweet?
nothing he’s on vacation. dan said tweet suspension and twitter went crazy…figured I’d keep the bit up
Dixon Edwards was the You Know champ of all time that you’re thinking of
that’s who it was! good call