The Ticket Cock

My alarm goes off at 5:30 AM each morning and it just turns on the ticket at a low volume. I like to listen if I am awake and even weird times I incorporate whatever they’re talking about into a dream. (This morning the NFL draft was in my house with half-naked girls laying around)

There is just one part of this that I need to change, the 5:30 ticker. Not sure if you remember the audio of the 2011 campout when Gordo wakes up Corby and he complains of Rich Phillip’s tickers being loud and obnoxious (can listen here at 1:02:40).

If you need to wake up at 5:30 in the morning, put your alarm clock out of reach and launch the 5:30 Rich ticker. This is what you’ll hear…a sleepy sounding Rich voice that sounds as if his tongue is still asleep and is just bouncing up and down running words together. The Ticket Alarm clock, aka The Ticket Rooster aka The Ticket Cock (Jerusalem Jackson Suggested Name)…prepare your ears