I heard this commercial spot play right after an update from the Masters…it threw me for a loop, so I thought I’d repost it. Is this a joke, or is this actually an ad?
I heard this commercial spot play right after an update from the Masters…it threw me for a loop, so I thought I’d repost it. Is this a joke, or is this actually an ad?
at the end it sounds like they’re singing “Bullshit Barbasol”
Ya, westwood 1 runs lotsof barbasol ads for the sporting events they cover. I first noticed them when I would listen to Football games on the radio.
Stay Handsome Free and Tall unP1’s!
i hear these commercials all the time but the chick usually sounds a lot hotter
That’s a chick!?!1ONE!?#!
I think that’s John Denver playing the 12-string. Weirdest commercial ever. I hear it literally 20-30 times a day on sports talk radio.