Great-Great UnTicket Strong-Have VSBB posted parts 1 and 2 of the Deep Night Ticket programming mere moments after the words came out of our radio leader’s mouths. Here’s Part 3.
<rant> One UnTicket request…if you are a dude, and you’re thinking of calling in, do the following.
- Put down your beverage
- Unzip your pants
- If applicable, pull down your underwear
- Try fishing out a penis
- If you discover that have a penis, no matter how small, hang up immediately and let a girl call in instead
Girls Gone Wild isn’t popular because it has dudes in it — same goes with the Deep Night Ticket. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.</endrant>
So far the best rant of 2011. Don’t Cockblock, guys.
Caught most of the hijinks last night. Had to watch Matt Stone & Trey Parker on Jimmy Fallon last night, so there were some dark spots. I almost called in with a serious questien about Junior Coast to Coast, but that got answered right away. It was hard to tell if Snake was schnockered last night, or just being Campout/Rant Corby.