Hey Bob, can I use your blanket?

BaD Radio reviews the latest controversial liner for the upcoming Cowboys versus Redskins game.

Follow the break for a few scatter-shooting notes…

  • I didn’t know Conrad was Canadian. His body of work is quite impressive!
  • The ‘Native American Trail of Tears‘ referred to by the liner is different than the ‘Lee Harvey Trail of Tears‘ that Gordo takes every afternoon.
  • Was the story about the smallpox-infected-blankets made up? According to this article, no (thanks @Feliz_Es_Bueno)
  • Some Canadians do in fact boo the American national anthem during hockey games.  And some Philly fans boo Santa Claus. There are jackasses on both sides of the border, but ours tend to hang out at hockey games. Examples include Sean Avery and the ass-hat that sits behind me at Leaf games.
  • Yeah, I’m a dirty Canadian P1. I emailed Bob the last time he went on an anti-Canuck rant (three in the last year) to apologize for our faults, and we hugged it out. But it’s a lot like when you date a girl in college, then you take some time off from each other during summer break, and while you’re not technically together, you go and nail her best friend, and then years later after you’ve made up and married her, she’ll still remind you from time-to-time about the time you slept with her ‘bestie’ just to make you feel like a jack-ass.  We’re kindof like that.  But he retweeted something I’d written a while ago, so I guess we’re cool for the moment.
  • Bob’s parents sound more Canadian than any Canadian I’ve ever met.
  • It’s now my mission to track down Jim Conrad and get him to do a liner for The UnTicket.
  • Thumb Guy is a fake. Dude from yesterday needs to turn in his P1 card.