Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge P1 and will always be (hence the time I put into this site), but I’m catching myself doing something that makes me feel like I’m cheating.
I’ve been tuning out of the Hardline lately and tuning into the Hammer over on Wolfe radio, or whatever it’s called…”The Show”. The over optimism about the Cowboys game tomorrow against the Eagles was killing me. I hope they’re right, but it’s too over the top confident for me to handle. Baseball talk in the next segment made me realize Greggo is yuckin it up on the internet channel and it’s pretty damn entertaining, so I turned the hardline off and greggo on.
I’m finding myself doing it more and more. Greggo sounds great and as “greggo” as ever. The filter they have is very familiar to the old Ticket, where they just said whatever the hell they wanted to. I also love how Greggo talks about his old days on the Ticket and you can tell how much he appreciated it. Another thing is the way the Ticket treats callers as horrible people and at the Greggo show, not only are they nice, but you can hear the damn phone ring! All they need now is an enco with a McGruber playing drops and a yuck monkey, then I’ll have a real hard time deciding.
But let’s be honest, it’s inked into my blood. It’ll take a miracle for me to give up the Hardline for someone else. I do, however, like the fact I can switch over during a boring segment and enjoy Cap’n Hugs!
thank you for your courage
The Hardline has become the weakest of the main ticket lineup.
I guess I should admit that I tend to listen more to 103.3 ESPN on my commute home from work than I do The Hardline. I was always more of a Musers and BaD Radio fan, but I’m surprising myself by finding more enjoyment out of listening to Galloway and Mosley on ESPN.
Really, Fernando is the only one that’s been an asshole to me. And that seems to be pretty common. Is he really that good of a producer? Just because no one loves him enough for him to want to be home, and he comes in at an ungodly hour… Probably just to pick up male hookers and bang them in the studio. I’m rambling. Fernando sucks.
I’ve been listening too.
The UnTicket has hit the nail on the head. I feel the same way. I love The Ticket and can’t imagine switching allegiances. However, The Hardline has lost some of its cachet with the ascendancy of Corby. I acutally like Corby and think he’s a very talented guy. He does not, in fact, suck. But without HeeHoo Cannot Be Named, the show has gotten way out of balance. More and more, I tune out of The Hardline, fond as I am of it. I have an idea of how to get the show back on the right track, which I will be posting in an annoyingly large multi-parter soon. In the meantime — The UnTicket should get a the Nobel Prize for Ticket-Related Blogs.
[…] Woops! I’m Guilty Of Something […]
Do you think if Cumulus fronted enough money they could get John Clay and Greggo to take over the hardline? Wow would Corby be pissed, maybe Greggo could give him ye ol Wichita Falls slot as a party favor?
wouldn’t it be great if one day they got greggo back on the hardline? my favorite part of the hardline is when they play greggo drops. it makes it seem like he’s still there and the old team lives on. It was a great mix of personalities and with corby as a yuck monkey, it was less of the “over the top” sports talk where everyone is the best at what they do and more fun audio.
Guys…get over it. Greggo’s gone. He ain’t coming back & that’s a good thing. He was a drugged up mess & it’s only a matter of time before he’s on vicodin or oxy or coke’n it up @ the Key Club again. He was on the Hardline for what, 9 -10 years…that’s a good run. But his time was more than up. And for those of you that point the blame at Corby & Mike for Greg’s demise, go get some therapy. Greggo put all of their careers in jeopardy & if he gave a damn that he was doing that, he failed to show much remorse. What did he do once he got another gig, @ ESPN? He lost that job because he couldn’t stay clean. What did he do when his ‘friend’ (see: enabler) Big Dick gave his a gig? He came in messed up and made a spectacle of himself. It’s only a matter of time before he does it again. And don’t think for one second that whole scenario won’t continue to repeat itself. That’s why HE’S DOING RADIO IN WICHITA FALLS for god’s sake. And the sad truth is, what made Greggo entertaining and endearing was that he behaved like what we all thought we would be like on the radio…but that’s because he was too messed up to be able to do his job seriously. In reality, Greggo SUCKS as a radio personality. Corby, Mike, Danny even Grubes’s drops have more talent than Greggo ever did or will have. So take a look in the mirror and start being real. It’s pretty pathetic that you guys call yourselves P-1s and yet all you do is talk shit about half the station.
And if you’re listening to 103.3 or The Fa(il)n because you think that it’s more entertaining to the hardline, you need to pull your car over, get out, throw the keys in the ditch and walk home because you’re too retarded to drive.
@Juan Openings – easy there chief! I gagree Hammer will never be back here, but don’t you often wish and dream about what you’d do if you won the jackpot lotto? It’s all we’re doing here with Greggo. And for you to question my P1 status is a bit harsh as I have every radio in my house, job, cars all tuned to 1310, I don’t listen to music at the gym, it’s on the ticket. Then I maintain this site on a daily basis, all expenses out of my own pocket, just to share the ticket’s greatness to other P1’s like yourself. And I do have the luxury of having negative opinions about some of the ticket people. I like all of them, but some I have my opinions about and it’s because I always listen. I have the right to say what I say, just like you have the right to comment on this post.
To your points, I (personally) never listen to ESPN or FAN, can’t stand those stations. Since I have a good memory of Greggo, and I am not really into throwing people to the curb for something they never did to me personally, I’ll always be interested in hearing him on the radio. Just so happens, it’s during the Hardline, which isn’t as good as it used to be. I think they just need a 3rd person to step in and bring the humor back that they’re missing.
But I like your passion Juan Openings. Just don’t ever question my P1 status again because I’ll be happy to meet you at fight night. 🙂 seriously.
Yeah, but as a big fan of the Ticket, you gotta realize that the reason Greggo’s gone was because him being there was a VERY BAD thing for the station. Sure, you can still love and care for the guy, far be it from me to tell you otherwise, but I support the laundry & the bodies inside that laundry so long as they remain loyal and part of the team. Once they leave (or are jettisoned) all bets are off. Of course, that’s my personal beliefs and feelings.
I’ll give you a comparision: I’m as a big a cheesehead as I am a P-1. When Brett Favre divorced the Packers, I wished him well. I paid attention to what he did with the Jets, but my allegiance remained with the Packers. When he finagled his signing w/ the Vikings, one of Green Bays most HATED rivals, my mild indifference for Favre turned to hate. Sure, I have great warm and fuzzy memories of what he did as a Packer and the Superbowl win that he helped bring, but once he showed that he had no loyalty to that legacy and the fans of the franchise…I hated that son-of-a-bitch.
Now, I don’t hate Greggo, but based on how the story has played out, I have little sympathy for the guy. He had NUMEROUS chances. Sure, there were great memories (immortalized in hilarious drops) but times change. I always knew that one day Favre would no longer play for the Packers (although I pictured a much more gracious departure) and I prepared myself for that. One day, Mike is going to retire from the station. Someday, sooner rather than later, Ol’ Monkey Hip is going to kick the bucket (or shower in bullets from impatient bookies’ rifles.) Hell, in 10 years the station may be off the air, or become something unrecognizable. That’s the value of memories. None of us want things to change, so long as everything is good and we’re all happy, but they do. And as much as anyone might love the Hammer, he wasn’t the Ticket. He was just that big dumb, country boy that we could laugh with, at and relate to. And HE ruined it. There’s no sense in blaming Corby, Mike, Cat, Musers, Dongavan or anyone.
Doan, I wasn’t aiming my vitriol strictly @ you. I’m just so frustrated with everyone who has the unrealistic expectation that the Hardline and the Ticket should have over-looked a SERIOUS problem in order to keep the status quo. You take away Greggo’s laid-back, relatable nature, Greggo didn’t have anything. As funny as his exchange was with Kunkle, in reality it was quite sad. The guy couldn’t host the show on his own. He admitted that ON THE AIR! And he had been in the business over 30 years at that point. This was the co-host of the highest rated show on the highest rated station in the 5th biggest market in the nation. It sucks that the business side of it had so much to do with the decision, but that’s the reality. And as many chances that Mike and management gave him, it was obvious they were reluctant to make such a drastic move. I wasn’t happy about it. I met the guy. I feel real bad for him. But if he really wanted help, if he really wanted to change, he would have. And you can’t blame the station or the Hardline for that. And it drives me NUTS when people do. The little Ticket is so great and so unique that if it were to go away, that would be a huge loss in a lot of people’s daily lives, mine included. I feel ridiculous admitting that, but it’s the honest truth. You know as well as I do, there isn’t ANYTHING out there like this station. So when people start throw rocks at it for doing what they HAD TO DO, that just irks the shit out of me.
And the ESPN comment wasn’t aimed @ you, Doan. Anyone who listens to the Ticket & then puts on 5 seconds of anything else HAS to realize the disparity in quality and personality. If not, they’re just being an idiot. Like Jon G.
p.s. Thanks for doing what you do. I visit your site nearly everyday. Your post just worried me because reading through your previous posts and knowing that you’re a pro-Husky Hugger guy, I’d hate if this site morphed into ‘’ made me LOL! good stuff.
thanks for clearing up it wasn’t me you were directing all that to.
I wouldn’t let the rocks bother you so much. We all love the ticket or we wouldn’t be here. Plus the rocks only keep the ticket strong.
I didn’t claim that I wanted Greggo back, just that the Hardline as it is currently configured is missing something. I think they need a better third wheel than Danny.
Did any catch hammershow today? Had the 3rd wheel in again. Mire sportsy, less good bullshit and lesbians. What do others think of ‘the show’??
you guys all suffer from horrible old-manitis.
@C – yep
also, if you enjoy matt moseley there’s definitely something wrong. see a doc.
saying that greggo had nothing is unfair and untrue in my opinion. if he had a bag, there wouldn’t be this much controversy about his absence from the station.
i agree that in a perfect world greggo would still be on the hardline and they would all be best friends like everyone thought before it all went down. but he’s gone, he’ll never be back, the ticket had to pull the cord, and the hardline will never be the same as it was. (that’s not saying that it is still not great)
i too, caught myself tuning into the wolfe to get a little of the old greggo. as much as he has screwed himself over, he still is entertaining. and isnt that all we ask of our radio personalities?
Wolfe was referring to greggos logged on P1 fans as “streamers”. They address streamerson the air just like P1. I’m a confessed left click streamer, but still a republican dammit (and strait as George)
Jaun, for you to say “take away Greggo’s laid-back relatable nature, Greggo did’nt have anything” pretty well voids ANY of your credibility! I agree with alot of what your saying, but you shot your load on that one! Greggo could, and CAN, talk sports with the best of em…and get this…actually make it interesting and fun! Something current Hardline, as well as other shows, lack. Im guessing alot of these people bashing Greggo, are probably Ticket employee’s
I try to listen to as much of the hardline as I can everyday, but I usually have to turn it off before 4 because thats when the suck starts. Once Corny starts stroking the cock of family guy or pearl jam or a shitty movie or a tv show about guys in their 40’s, I just can’t listen to them any more that day. I liked him on the rant but he just seems like such a generic frat douche now. I won’t even bring up the fact that there hasn’t been an original sports thought on that show in years.
is greggo still on or has he crashed again?5:02 pm all i hear is music,wtf?