Three Best Friends that Anyone Could Have?

As I was catching up on tweets, I noticed a couple of pleas for new followers from two ticket staffers: one from Jason ‘Killer’ Kellison, and one from Ty Wakka-Chicken Walker. Both dudes are a little surprised that TC Fleming has more followers than they do, so I thought I’d put together a little table outlining why the good, clean, strong UnTicket P1 would want to give each of these guys a follow.

TC Fleming Ty Walker Killer Kellison
Current Number of Followers: 1,485 1,433 704
Likes Beer No Yes To a Fault
Likes Women Unclear Yes Yes
Needs a Woman Surprisingly, No Desperately Not Sure
Looks like a Woman Eerily So No No Way
Announces Porn Birthdays No Yes No
Inexplicably Right-Leaning No Yes No
Uses Punctuation Yes Yes No
On-Air Presence Meh Yes Less Killer
Gets kicked in the nuts while On-Air Yes Yes Yes
Tried to eat a raw steak On-Air No No Yes
Has Waaaii-Faaiii No No Yes
Uses Profanity No Yes Yes
Uses Nudity No Yes No
Eats Vegetables Absolutely not Probably not Highly unlikely
Twitter Handle TC1310 tywalkerticket killer1310

So there you have it, P1’s…have good and get give.  Other Ticket personalities (aside from the big stars) you may wish to follow are:  Sean Bass (sbass1310), Michael Krenek (MKrenek), Mike Sirois (MikeSirois), Cash Sirois (CashSports), David Newbury (newbury1310), Matt McClearin (TheScrubs), Grubes (tweetgrubes), Jeremy Moran (poponjer), Kevin Turner (KT1310) and Mark Followill (MFollowill).