What the hell is up with these suits?

BaD Radio Reports just got yanked off the air when Dan tried to read what was apparently a confidential memo over the air.  Since BaD Radio’s reports usually run two segments, I suspect Sturm and Drong probably said “well screw it, we don’t have anything planned for filler, so let’s pull a Musers and do a replay”, which is what they did for the following segment.

Some companies can be really uptight about releasing internal memos, regardless of how inane their contents may be.  And this sure as heck sounded inane to me, but people requested it, so here it is.

UPDATE — The audio clip has two edits in it — the first one cuts out the break that Dan threw it to after they got the call, and the second edit cuts out the replay of the double-rainbow dude since it’s posted below.