The Hardline has started a cult of pranksters who like to create a conversation with someone, record it, then end it up with the question of, “Did you know Fat Joe left Atlantic?”
There’s so many of them now, I figured it made sense to have a page where you could listen to all of the fine work. Special thanks to the magical MacGruber for the audio help. He’s really the anchor of Bad Radio and The Hardline.
Fat Joe Left Atlantic
featuring Corby and his mother
Fat Joe Left Atlantic
featuring Danny and his mother
Fat Joe Left Atlantic
featuring Greggo and his father
Fat Joe Left Atlantic
featuring Rhyner and his mother
Fat Joe Left Atlantic
featuring radio DJ & family (special appearance by doo doo)
Fat Joe Left Atlantic
featuring English P1 & mother
Fat Joe Left Atlantic
featuring English P1 & father
Fat Joe Left Atlantic
featuring Ivan & father
Fat Joe Left Atlantic
featuring Vinny V & caller
Fat Joe Left Atlantic
song by Hot Carl
Fat Joe Left Atlantic
song by Hot Carl w/drops
Fat Joe Left Atlantic
featuring a girl calling her mother
[…] Hardline played another Fat Joe bit. Scroll to the bottom of the […]
[…] included a horrible sports guy, a Fat Joe bit and then what this post is about . . […]