You may have been subjected to this trippy video recently while lurking about the internet in search of new data for your fantasy hockey folder:
[youtube OQSNhk5ICTI nolink]
It may have intrigued you so much that you may have even clicked on the auto-tuned remix:
[youtube MX0D4oZwCsA nolink]
Most people would realize that despite the fact that the chick at the end of the remixed video is wearing a tanktop, this double-rainbow thing isn’t worthy of being saved in the same directory as “two girls, one cup”, and they’d move on. But oh no, not Sturm and Drong – they’ll scour the corners of the earth to find the author, get his HSO’s, determine his political opinions and time permitting, find out his hopes and dreams. And noon-to-three P1’s love them for it.
Here he is, Paul Vasquez, aka hungrybear9562 on YouTube, with Bob and Dan:
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